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Postdoctoral Research Associate Positions Open Up for 24-25 Academic Year

The Department of Asian American Studies (AAS) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign seeks two postdoctoral research associates for the 2024-2025 academic year. This is a one-year appointment with a start date of August 16, 2024. Applicants must demonstrate promise for a tenure-track...

AAS Welcomes Dr. Keva X. Bui!

AAS is proud to welcome our newest faculty member, Dr. Keva X. Bui! Dr. Bui has previously taught and worked at UCSD, Pomona College, and Pennsylvania State University.  Their work examines...
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Verdell Frazier Young Scholarship

The Women's Resource Center is now accepting applications for the Verdell Frazier Young (VFY) Scholarship on a rolling basis. The VFY Scholarship provides scholarships to assist women and gender minorities who have had an interruption in pursuing a college degree. To learn more or apply, please...

Department of Asian American Studies Seeks New Lecturer for 24/25 School Year

The Department of Asian American Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign invites applications for a Lecturer in Asian American Studies. We seek a theoretically sophisticated interdisciplinary scholar trained in ethnic studies or related fields to teach core courses in Asian...

Department of Asian American Studies Seeks New Faculty Member

The Department of Asian American Studies seeks an assistant, associate, or full professor with interdisciplinary expertise in Health Humanities and/or Environmental Justice. The general areas of specialization include poverty, inequality, housing discrimination; health disparities, medical racism,...

Dr. Maryam Kashani's Newest Publication Released this Month

The Asian American Studies department is celebrating its faculty member, Dr. Maryam Kashani, on her new book release. Prof. Kashani is a filmmaker and Assistant Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies and Asian American Studies here at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  Well-...

Medina by the Bay: Scenes of Muslim Study and Survival

Maryam Kashani  From the Black Power movement and state surveillance to Silicon Valley and gentrification, Medina by the Bay examines how multiracial Muslim...
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